No closed captioning on CTV 2 from Barrie on Cogeco Cable TV!!!

cavraam65     November 17, 2018 in ASL 1 Subscribers Subscribe

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Call Cogeco Cable TV to find out why no closed captioning on CTV 2 from Barrie (HDTV) on cable 22 but other one is on CTV 2 from London (not HDTV but SDTV) on cable 113 there closed captioning is working but on cable 22 there closed captioning is not working!!! When? : on Sat, Nov 17th, 2018 at 5pm TV show is "MasterChef Canada". Where is Cogeco Cable TV? : In Stoney Creek, Ontario (near Hamilton). What kinds of digital box from Cogeco Cable TV? : Pace. I'll contact to the CRTC about complain nothing CC on CTV 2 from Barrie. Thanks!

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