I stand with the Transgender community!

Virtual Deaf Church     October 26, 2018 in ASL 95 Subscribers Subscribe

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Shame on Trump for trying to legalize discrimination against the transgender community! Shame on, the Right Wing Christians for hating the transgender community! I challenge all compassionate, open minded, liberal, progressive Christians to boldly stand with the transgender community! It is not time to stay neutral. It is time to stand up for the oppressed and the poor against the proud and rich.

The Religious Right is the modern Pharisees. They are arrogant, filled with hate, and proudly misuse the Scriptures. Jesus in his day, despised the Pharisees most of all. Jesus gladly ate with the sinners but strongly rebuked Pharisees often. Jesus cursed the Pharisees and boldly told them that they will be cast into the furnance of fire while the sinners will be warmly welcomed into Father's feast.

Keep in mind, that the LGBT community did not crucify Jesus. Who did? The Pharisees!

#WontBeErased, #TransgenderCommunity, #StoptheHate

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