Looking for 2018-2020 Committee Members!

NAD     September 7, 2018 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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We want you to join our committees! Areas include: Bylaws / Certified Deaf Interpreter Task Force / Diversity Strategy Team / Finance / Governance / Public Safety: Ambulance / Public Safety: Fire Department / Public Safety: Law Enforcement

Submit your interest by Sept. 30, 2018: Link

VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Richard McCowin is standing outside in front of a light grey wall. The NAD logo appears on bottom right corner as a watermark.

RICHARD: Hello, my name is Richard McCowin and I am the Vice President of the NAD. We are now looking for people to serve on the 2018-2020 NAD committees! We invite people who are interested in serving on various committees. Community people and experts in various topics can join the committees. We welcome anyone to participate. We invite you to contribute your thoughts, experience, and input as you serve on a committee. The average time needed is two hours per week. Let us know which committee you want to serve on and you can select more than one committee to help the NAD Board determine which would be a good fit.

ON-SCREEN-TEXT: Bylaws / Certified Deaf Interpreter Task Force / Diversity Strategy Team / Finance / Governance / Public Safety: Ambulance / Public Safety: Fire Department / Public Safety: Law Enforcement

ON-SCREEN-TEXT: Submit your interest by September 30, 2018

RICHARD: Thank you.

Video fades to a soft white background with several different font types showing “NAD” very quickly. Copyright video ends with the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) logo centered. Blue text below the logo appears, "The National Association of the Deaf / (copyright) 2018 All Rights Reserved / Link ; a yellow highlight of the URL appears at the end.

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