The Pledge Of Allegiance , 2018

Agape47     July 5, 2018 in ASL 0 Subscribers Subscribe

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Hi everyone , Praise the Lord !!!

I’m gonna sing a song named what ?
“ The Pledge Of Allegiance” , my own first ASL Version .

“ I Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of Us Of America and to the republic for which it stands one , “one nation “ what ? We have a dream to pursue.... “ people all of any color skins , and of any spoken languages , and of any deaf foreign sign languages , and of any cultures , and of any countries of all around world , and of any disabilities ( deaf , blind and crippled , etc ), and of any health disease problems ( cancer, etc but no money ) , and of any rich class , of any middle class, of any poor class To WELCOME here ( the dream fades) to become ONE NATION . Those people can do what ...under ( humble and obey ) GOD THEN those can become indivisible ( unify) with liberty and justice for all . “

Happy Fourth!

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