SURVEY: Looking for Parents of Children of Color

NAD     May 24, 2018 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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Join me in my project on increasing interpreters of color by filling out the survey. For any questions, email Link .


VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Tanea is standing outside in front of tall trees and a building.

TANEA: Hello everyone, you good? Awesome! I want to share two things with you today. First, a survey that I've been working on is ready! The survey is for parents of children of color. Please do fill out the survey. If you are white and have children with color, yes you can fill out the survey! Please do. Your race does not matter for this survey. Whether you are deaf, hard of hearing, hearing, or a CODA, it does not matter either. Go ahead and do the survey. The purpose is to collect data to increase Interpreters of Color in the U.S. This is for my project as the NAD Youth Ambassador. Results will become public and shared at the NAD Conference in Hartford, Connecticut on July 6th during the Youth Ambassador Program competition. You will find out the result! I am so curious myself and I look forward to what I find. Secondly, I launched a closed Facebook page, "Interpreter of Color Network (ICON)" -- this closed group is for mentorship, advice, tips; a space for dialogue for Interpreters of Color (IOC) only. We can discuss careers, skills, ideas, and more. I’ve noticed many different groups have their own group for IOC only and it’s divided into smaller groups. I would like to change that. I would like to see all IOC in same place than being divided. If you know anyone who is an interpreter of color, please do tag, comment, or email me. I will share my email in the comment box below. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me. There are different ways to contact me. Thank you for watching this. Have a nice day, it’s beautiful outside! AWESOME!

A pink ball comes up from a thin horizontal black line. The pink bubble splits and splashes into three bubbles, showing the YAP logo.

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