Congratulations to This Close!

NAD     April 23, 2018 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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Congratulations to This Close! Sundance Now recently greenlighted season two after a successful first season! If you haven't seen it yet, watch Josh Feldman and Shoshannah Stern's magic in This Close on Sundance Now. #DeafTalent #thiseclose


Video cuts from black to behind Kate as she is waving her fingers out the window of a moving car, background shows many wind turbines.

Michael is in his room.

Michael sits at dinner, across from Kate.

MICHAEL: Whether you're in line at Starbucks, trying to get out of a parking garage, or at home with Danny, you're always going to be the deaf girl.

Kate digests what Michael just said.

Video cuts from black to a medium shot of silhouetted Michael (left) and Kate (right) dancing in front of open blue skies outside.

Behind-the-shoulder of Danny and Kate hugging and facing the mirror in their bedroom.

Kate admires Danny through the mirror.

SONG: I'm afraid of everything

Kate’s potential client (Nyle DiMarco) is on the left and Kate on the right, both are standing in front of a step-and-repeat background on the red carpet.

Kate (right) is sitting on a panel with two other people to the left. She points to her ears and gestures she's deaf.

Kate (right) and Michael (right) sitting behind a green table.

Close-up profile of Michael drawing before throwing his pad to the window.

Michael kisses another person.

Michael stands next to a poster promo of his book in front of a bookstore.

Michael hugs his Mom (Marlee Matlin).

Close-up of Michael's Mom smiling to Michael.

SONG: I'm not afraid of you

Danny (left) and Kate (right) sits down facing each other.

Kate contemplates her engagement ring.

Kate runs and hugs Danny at the baggage claim area at the airport, with Michael following behind. Kate looks at Michael while hugging Danny.

Michael dances and kisses with someone at a night club, colorful lights fill up the scene.

SONG: and time

Michael throws a glass to the wall.

SONG: it changes everything

Danny hits someone.

Michael runs to interrupt Kate as she leaves the restaurant.

Michael is crying in the car.

Kate is crying in the car.

Wide-shot, bird-view, of Kate swimming in the pool by herself.

Michael's Mom and Kate squeal in delight as Michael jumps in with a cooked turkey.

SONG: and so I wait for you

Kate runs and jumps onto Michael from the bathroom stall.

Video cuts to black before Michael continues at the dinner table with Kate.

MICHAEL: You just need to figure out how to make that work for you.

KATE: Wow. Someone's wise tonight.

MICHAEL: Someone smoked a fat joint.

Kate and Michael laugh.

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