Deaftaurus8 part 2

Drumpf Daily     April 16, 2018 in ASL 98 Subscribers Subscribe

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46 Video Comments

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  1. ReplyTo:   Drumpf Daily
  2. ReplyTo:   DeafMark7

  3. Title:   you? not worth my time
  4. ReplyTo:   Drumpf Daily
    Title:   Pls respect her freewill
  5. ReplyTo:   Drumpf Daily
  6. ReplyTo:   Drumpf Daily
  7. ReplyTo:   Drumpf Daily
  8. ReplyTo:   DeafMark7
  9. ReplyTo:   Drumpf Daily
  10. ReplyTo:   Drumpf Daily
    Title:   "Response" or "Regard"
  11. ReplyTo:   LostMac
    Title:   welcome
  12. ReplyTo:   Zazzy7
    Title:   updated title - thanks!
  13. ReplyTo:   DeafMark7
    Title:   define backstabbing
  14. ReplyTo:   ASL Coffee Podcast
    Title:   :)
  15. ReplyTo:   ASLfreedom 2
    Title:   do their homework
  16. ReplyTo:   Flower1
    Title:   you can discuss anyone
  17. ReplyTo:   LostMac
    Title:   thanks!!
  18. ReplyTo:   LostMac, DeafMark7, Flower1, Zazzy7
    Title:   regarding the R-List
  19. ReplyTo:   Drumpf Daily
    Title:   Thanks for correct me
  20. ReplyTo:   Drumpf Daily
    Title:   my broken heart already
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