Why is it hard to read?

KymSky     March 20, 2018 in ASL 75 Subscribers Subscribe

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36 Video Comments

       Reply to KymSky
    Tip: pressing the SHIFT key on your keyboard does the same thing as clicking this button
  1. ReplyTo:   KymSky
    Title:   ASL
  2. ReplyTo:   KymSky
    Title:   TL;DR
  3. ReplyTo:   KymSky
    Title:   50:50
  4. ReplyTo:   KymSky
  5. ReplyTo:   KymSky
    Title:   fact is true
  6. ReplyTo:   KymSky
    Title:   Bec we use output....
  7. ReplyTo:   KymSky
    Title:   ?? 50/50 ??
  8. ReplyTo:   KymSky, LookAtYourself
    Title:   Older & Younger Gens?
  9. ReplyTo:   KymSky
    Title:   50/50%   Link 1
  10. ReplyTo:   KymSky
  11. ReplyTo:   KymSky
    Title:   bias test!?!
  12. ReplyTo:   KymSky
    Title:   old info? 1997 to 2018
  13. ReplyTo:   ruralvalady, Picard90, NormASL1, KymSky, LookAtYourself
    Title:   Same since 1974   Link 1
  14. ReplyTo:   KymSky
    Title:   blocked in my mind
  15. ReplyTo:   Picard90
    Title:   many researches..

  16. Title:   Glad you're seeking..
  17. ReplyTo:   taylerade
    Title:   Reading scan skill
  18. ReplyTo:   violet
    Title:   Thanks for the share
  19. ReplyTo:   tide, DeafHawk62, KymSky
    Title:   Stories are important
  20. ReplyTo:   KymSky
   Reply to KymSky
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