40-Day Devotion, Day 37

TabletalkReader     March 20, 2018 in Religion 85 Subscribers Subscribe

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40-Day Devotion, Day 37


Salty, Shiny Sheep

The world fills us with false descriptions of what we should strive to become: an entrepreneur like Bill Gates; a gardener like Martha Stewart; a famous athlete like Tim Duncan; maybe even the next American Idol!

Being raised in the 70s, I always wanted to be the girl on the commercial who sang: “I can bring home the bacon; fry it up in a pan; and never ever let you forget you’re a man; ‘cause I’m a WOMAN!” What a lofty goal... tough and tiring! We wear ourselves out trying to wear all the hats and fit all the images that Satan has painted.

Need a different image to conform to? How about salty, shiny sheep?

Let’s take a look at how Jesus described us.
WE ARE SALT. Do you know that salt is used in greater quantities and for more applications than any other mineral?
It has more than 14,000 known uses! Every living creature requires salt for life and health. Salt can soften hard water, remove impurities; preserve and cure foods; tan hides and it’s even been used to seed clouds to produce rain.

When Jesus refers to us as salt He means that we are essential to every living creature. We have thousands of uses in His hands. We can help soften, heal, separate, remove impurities, fill, preserve, cure and even tan hides!
In other words, Jesus wants us to be difference-makers. Wherever He “salts us,” He wants our presence to be an expression of His presence.

Jesus also tells us that we are to shine like stars in the universe. Have you ever stood alone outside at night, gazing at the stars in the sky? It’s stunningly amazing, isn’t it? Even though those stars are millions of miles away, we marvel as they twinkle at us so brightly that they illuminate our surroundings. Their glory is enhanced by the extreme darkness of the sky.

Likewise, we live in a world that is often an environment of moral darkness, which is the opposite of who God is or what He wants from us. So we are called to “brighten the corner where we are” on His behalf. His presence in our life should be reflected to others with an attitude of grace. People need to see God and feel God in us and from us.

I can relate to this metaphor most of all. Whenever I do something brainless, I belt out a “baaa” sound. Like sheep, we wander off. We make the same mistakes again and again, and we mindlessly meander through life, following the crowd. Yet Jesus said when He speaks, we are able to recognize His voice – just like a sheep obeying a shepherd.

We never know how God will use our obedience, but I can guarantee, He will. Sometimes He will let us peek in on the results. Recently I spoke at an event and shared my testimony. I mentioned that at one point in my life I was desperate enough to make an appointment at Planned Parenthood to end the life of my unborn baby. But God sent an obedient 96 year old neighbor to my door to tell me, “This baby is going to be a blessing.” As I sat in the waiting room, all I could hear in my head were her sweet words of encouragement and I bolted for the door.

At the event, women came forward at invitation time and one 20-something girl grabbed me sobbing. She said, “I have an appointment Saturday at Planned Parenthood. Now I’m not going.” (Praise God!)

My 96 year old neighbor modeled obedience in listening to His Voice. The Good Shepherd led her to my house to speak the words of Jesus to a straying sheep. By following her example, one more life will be born this year. What would our world look like if every day we truly listened to His Voice, sprinkled healing salt on the wounds of this world and radiantly shining the Light of God’s love on all those we touch?

Ok, close your eyes and visualize a salty, shiny sheep. Now, let’s go live like one!

To the Ladies in the crowd: Whenever you feel frazzled by all the balls you have to juggle each day, don’t forget your purpose. Whether it’s at work or at home (where you interact with your family), you are salty, shiny, sheep! That won’t make your schedule less difficult, but it will keep you motivated when your energy supply is shallow.

To the Men (from a man): The greatest obstacle to our experiencing the blessing of today’s devotion is pride. Pride causes us to see ourselves as not needing guidance or assistance. We cannot be salty, shiny sheep until we first become surrendered Saints! (To continue reading, go to my comment below. Thanks!)

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