40-Day Devotion, Day 36
TabletalkReader March 19, 2018 in Religion 85 Subscribers Subscribe
40-Day Devotion, Day 36
Indulge me for a few minutes, because I want to share my story – with the hopes that my story will somehow connect with your story, and that our collective stories will connect with God’s Big Story. I grew up in a Christian home, so like most active Church kids, I understood from an early age that God loved me and that He wanted me to love others, too. When I was 12, I decided that the faith I had learned was my own, and I was baptized.
The summer before 9th grade, I had a really defining faith experience. Church camp during the summer was a time I always anticipated, but this particular year, my experience of God started the week before. I had to do some chores for my Mom around the house before I left, and with High School looming in the future, I was thinking about my future.
I remember being struck with this thought: “I think whether I am a plumber or a basket-weaver, I can serve the Lord.†Although maybe an odd memory or thought to pick out, I believe that was a key idea for me to grasp before God spoke to me at camp.
The next week was filled with worship, teaching and tons of fun – all of which is a bit of blur. What stands out clearly is the Wednesday evening service. That night a guy named Mark Moore was speaking, and although I can’t remember his message for the evening, I do remember his invitation. He invited anyone who wanted to commit their lives to full-time Christian service to come forward.
Before I knew it, my palms were sweating, my knees seemed to have turned to Jell-O, and I had a distinct feeling that I needed to move. Without really thinking about it, (but acting more on pure adrenaline), I stepped forward. About 15 others did as well, and in the next few minutes, the speaker gave us a charge and joined 800+ students in praying for us.
After the service ended and the crowd dispersed, the importance of what I had done hit me – and I lost it. (I feel sorry for the poor college intern who was trying his hardest to console the hysterical sobbing before my youth minister turned up!) After calming down, I realized that I didn’t regret or doubt the call on my life – I was just simply overwhelmed with not knowing where that would lead!
Through my teen years, I was active in Church, service and faith... and my trust and love for the Lord grew during time. I ended up at Kentucky Christian University, because it seemed like the logical choice for someone who felt called to ministry. I chose youth ministry – a path that excited me. Long story short – after my sophomore year of college, I ended up going to England to serve a small Church for a summer.
Through that summer experience, I learned so much about myself, about working with a team, and about what God was doing in England. I hadn’t been looking for an opportunity to become passionate and excited about the Church there – but that’s what happened!
Over the next two years, I recognized England’s need for youth workers,and I organized college students to spend 8 weeks during their summer serving with various Churches there.
At that point, despite several intern opportunities here in the states, I found myself wrestling with the option of going to England and meeting the needs there. I thought and thought; prayed and prayed; and finally spoke with a friend about my dilemma. Either I stay in the states and get a good paying job with a flourishing Church – or I raise my support, go work with a tiny Church, and live far away.
What my friend said has stayed with me ever since. She said simply, “Alysen, what would God still need to say to you for you to go?†That’s when I realized that God didn’t need to say anything more to me – He had said enough! I was free from commitments, and He had placed a great opportunity in front of me. I had so much love for these people and wanted to see good come to that place, and God had equipped me with the necessary gifts to use. I called my parents that night and said I was heading to England!
That was many years ago, and here I am: still in England and still passionate about God and His story to redeem this world!
(To continue reading, go to my comment below.)