40-Day Devotion, Day 34

TabletalkReader     March 17, 2018 in Religion 85 Subscribers Subscribe

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40-Day Devotion, Day 34


Beware Of Complacency

I couldn’t feel them. Clearly they were there, but the bitter cold completely blocked sensation in my toes and fingers. Five hours earlier I had jumped at the chance to accompany my brother on a road trip to return his girlfriend to college. It never occurred to my seven year old brain to change out of my Church clothes and grab a coat. When the car broke down on the way home, however, my brother literally had to tuck me inside his jacket like a football and run. My little feet and hands dangled, exposed to the winter Chicago weather.
My faith often feels like my toes that night—numb. It’s easy to fly high in the emotional ride of a great Bible study or a great Worship service... for awhile. Eventually, though, the excitement wanes and I’m left with the mundane duties of life. In those cold conditions, sometimes, my faith feels exposed, and I begin to lose feeling.

That’s why I appreciate today’s passage from 2 Timothy so much.

When Paul wrote these words to his friend, persecution of the Church was at its height under the Roman Emperor Nero. Try to imagine Paul’s feelings of loneliness and isolation as he awaited death in his cold prison cell. This is basically his Last Will and Testament. But Paul’s concern was not for himself. It was for his mentee, Timothy. Paul worried that, without some deliberate attention, Timothy’s faith may flicker.

See, Timothy’s gift was ministry and it rose out of his faith. So when Paul urges him to “fan into flame the gift of God,” he is really saying: “Keep your faith and ministry alive, Timothy; do not let the demands of ministry and the responsibility of preaching the Gospel in a pagan society get you down. Remember you are God’s man, and the Spirit God has not given you a Spirit of timidity, but ‘of power, of love and of self-discipline.’”

Timothy needed this encouragement because of his fearful and sensitive temperament. He was not a born leader, and he had a tendency to shrink from the demands of ministry. His passion was birthed while serving with Paul, who seemed fearless! When they were together, Timothy never worried about keeping his spark for ministry kindled. Without that inspiration there was danger of developing complacency (spiritual frostbite). The truth is that many of us need a bit of prodding from time to time to fan the flame of faith, which can so easily lose its glow and vitality.

Comfort zones are cozy. What does yours look like? Mine is our ridiculously plump sofa that swallows me when the world wears me out. I’m tempted to sink down and stay, but God has other plans. He says to my heart, “I know you’re weary, but don’t stop! Stay warm!”

How do you do that? Well, do you know how to fight frostbite? You must pay extreme attention to warming your body. Spiritual frostbite (complacency) needs the same attention.

1. Pay attention to prayer & fasting. Purposely give up something and spend deliberate time talking to God. This warms your heart.
2. Pay attention to reading God’s Word. This is His time to talk. Listen intently. This warms your mind.
3. Pay attention to worship with God’s people. He calls us His body because we belong together. Don’t isolate; communicate. Praise Him. This warms your spirit.
4. Pay attention to serving others in the name of Jesus. This warms your hands and feet.

All four of those steps require a God-given infusion of power, love and self-discipline. In other words, when the chill of everyday life nips at our passion, move closer to Christ. His promise is true—when we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us. The warmth of His Spirit reignites the weakest faith, and He alone can enable us to turn our “ZAPPED” into “ZEAL.” He alone can kindle the type of fire that we see in Acts 17:6: “These men who have turned the world upside down have come here also...”

Here is the bottom line—The world is dark and cold, but He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world. Or, to say it another way, those who move the world with the passion of God’s love do not let the world move them.

Reflect on 2 Timothy 2:7. Over the course of these devotions, has the Holy Spirit been leading you out of your comfort zone? What would you do if you were not so timid (afraid)? Are there patterns of sin that you would repent of? Are there people to whom you would reach out? Would you be more generous with your money and time? Ponder: What would you do if you had more courage? Jot down some thoughts, then pray for courage!

When was the last time you did something (or went without something) just because you love Jesus?

Look through the “4 re-starters to rekindle our flame.” Star ones that are especially challenging, meaningful, or important for you to remember.

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