40-Day Devotion, Day 32

TabletalkReader     March 15, 2018 in Religion 85 Subscribers Subscribe

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40-Day Devotion, Day 32


Beware Of Distraction

A man bought a new hunting dog. Eager to see how he would perform, he took him out to track a bear. No sooner had they gotten into the woods than the dog picked up the trail. Suddenly he stopped, sniffed the ground, and headed in a new direction. He had caught the scent of a deer that had crossed the bear’s path.

A few moments later he halted again, this time smelling a rabbit that had crossed the path of the deer. And so, on and on it went until, when the breathless hunter finally caught up with his dog, he found him barking triumphantly down the hole of a field mouse!!

We start out with lofty goals and great intentions, keeping Christ first in our lives. But life in our culture provides so many distractions that if we’re not careful, our attention is diverted to things of lesser importance. It is so easy to stray from our original pursuit of God.

Think about how difficult it is togive focused attention to ANYTHING these days. Those who are older may remember your school days, when you tried to distract yourself from work by sharpening a half-dozen pencils very slowly. Two decades ago, you might have accomplished the same thing standing around the water cooler.

Today, distractions are everywhere. On your desktop; on your phone; on your watch—the entire world is at your fingertips. At the click of a button, you can e-mail, text, watch and share videos, post to social media, buy your groceries, research an assignment, and catch up on what’s happening in the world. You can also edit videos, organize pictures, read the newspaper, and keep up with your friends. And that is just while you are sitting at your desk! Add into the mix an unlimited array of on-demand entertainment choices, and don’t forget to include work and school and life’s necessary chores... and it is easy to see why our nation is so “burned-out.” Our minds never rest!

So where, in the midst of so many distractions do you have time for God? How you make room in your schedule, (and in your attention-span), for prayer time and Bible study and worship and service? How do you force your eyes on the things of Heaven?

The first step is to remember that God has called each of us to a great task.

This is true of every believer in Christ. We are called to reach out; to makea difference. God saved you for good works – He has a great purpose for you. That purpose is more important than anything else in your life. When you invest your time and attention into achieving that mission, you are part of something with eternal value. The things of earth just can’t compete!

I read a story recently about a very talented missionary in China who was offered a job by a major U.S. corporation. In their effort to woo him, the company pulled out all of the stops. They offered a tremendous salary, excellent benefits, and excessive perks. When the missionary declined the offer, the company demanded an explanation. “Would it help if we increase the salary?” the recruiter asked.
“You don’t understand,” replied the missionary. “It’s not that the salary is too small. It’s that the job is too small!”

That type of attitude, one that recognizes the urgency of God’s work, is the first step in breaking free from distractions!
Carefully think about the priority that you place on the activities in your life.Is prayer time important to you? If so, put it first – before you do anything else. Don’t choose to pray after you make the bed and wash the dishes. Don’t check your email first or even exercise. Put first things first.

Maybe the most important step to overcoming distracting is to ask yourself what you really want to accomplish.
Recently, I’ve been asking myself “What matters to me today?” a few times each day. It might not shock you to learn that the things that distract me most are not the things that are most important to me. (I’m sure you can relate).
What I want the most in life is a close walk with God and strong relationships with the people in my life. Those two things take time and attention. Those two things are connected, by the way. When I stay connected and filled with God, I am equipped to pour myself out to others. That is by design. But a close walk with the Lord and healthy relationships with others take time and investment. (To continue reading, go to my comment below.)

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