Wednesday Evening Bible Study
TabletalkReader May 07, 2021
TabletalkReader March 2, 2018 in Religion 85 Subscribers Subscribe
40-Day Devotion, Day 21
Living What You Believe
A few years ago, a major multi-national company was looking for a new Marketing Director. After an aggressive search and many applications, three candidates entered the final selection process: a mathematician, a statistician and a solicitor. The first to be invited in for the final interview was the mathematician, and the Managing Director asked him a simple question: “What is 2 + 2?†The mathematician was surprised, thought about it for a bit, wondered if it might be a trick question and then simply answered, “Four.†The Managing Director glanced at the Board, shook his head and thanked him for coming, saying, “I’m sorry. You’re not the candidate we’re looking for.â€
The statistician was the next, and the Managing Director repeated his simple question: “What is 2 + 2?†The statistician paused, mulled that over for a bit, and then replied that statistically, it was a number between 3 and 5. The Managing Director smiled, thanked him and ushered the man out.
Finally, the solicitor entered and the Managing Director asked the question: “What is 2 + 2?†Without batting an eye, the solicitor replied, “What do you want it to be.†He was hired on the spot!
Welcome to 2018, where “truth†(for many people) is a moving target. According to our culture, God is whomever you want Him to be, fixed morals are taboo, values are constantly changing and 2 + 2 doesn’t have to equal four. Everything is open for debate.
Believe it or not, the world of Paul’s day was not much different than the times in which we live. That’s why, when Paul planted the Church on the island of Crete, he left his friend, Titus, behind to “straighten out what was left unfinished.†Titus’ tasks included appointing leadership in the Church and teaching these new Christians the way of Truth. They needed to understand God wanted to be more than a passing belief. He wanted them to see His teachings as the ways of wisdom; to see that if they would embrace His design for life on this Earth, He would change every part of them. They just needed to accept and apply God’s leading.
Paul’s message to Titus is just as applicable for us as it was to the Church on Crete. As we have already mentioned, we live in a confused culture, and many Christians struggle to separate themselves from it. They recognize their weakness and acknowledge their sinfulness, but refuse to go so far as to embrace God’s teachings. As a result, weak-minded Christians continue to struggle throughout their life.
These people are like the man who, late one night, spotted a mouse in his house. He had a mouse trap but no cheese. So, in a moment of genius, he cut out a picture of cheese from a magazine, taped it to the trap and went to bed. The next morning when he checked the mousetrap he was surprised to find a picture of a mouse in the trap! Get the point? A phony lifestyle produces artificial results!
This week, as we read through the book of Titus, we are going to focus on how to answer God’s call to live the Truth of God’s Word. Paul’s letter to Titus is his next-to- last epistle included in the canon of Scripture. He wrote it as he sat in a prison-cell in Rome, counting down his last days knowing his time on earth was short. As you read this week, try to notice the passion with which Paul writes and his concern for the people in the Church. Notice he wants something better for them than the confused culture from which they have come. He wants them to live the Truth of God so that they can fully experience the Peace of God. That is God’s call and our desire, too. This week, let’s open our Bible and minds and embrace Paul’s final words to Titus.
Pray for the other members of your Home Accountability Group.
Look back over the devotions from the past week. Which devotions were most meaningful to you?
Read through John 17. Why do you think Jesus puts such an emphasis on truth?
Looking Forward – During tonight’s Home Group, we will discuss a word that is really misunderstood in our culture: “truth.†Think about the concept of truth for a moment. Why do you think our world inches when we discuss it? Why is it so important Christians embrace it?