YAP Spotlight: Chad

NAD     January 30, 2018 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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[Video description can be found below. If you use a screen reader and need to access the English caption file transcript, go to "More..." and click on "Transcript"]

Deadline for Youth Ambassador Program (YAP) is approaching fast -- in case you need a boost, Chad shares his experience. #NADYAP

APPLY TODAY, before Feb. 1st (THIS THURSDAY): Link

VIDEO DESCRIPTION AND TRANSCRIPT: Chad is in front of an off-white wall outside. A small white NAD logo appears on bottom right corner.

CHAD: It is an exciting time for many of us, especially youth. The Youth Ambassador Program (YAP) has begun! As I reflect my time and commitment with YAP I realize it was truly amazing. During the program, my goal and vision was to enrich leadership and empowerment between new and experienced leaders. To teach each other how to integrate collaboratively to achieve their goals. My main focus was about a succession pipeline of leaders. It was easier to work on this idea because of YAP. YAP will guide you by providing intimate support, rapport, and challenge your ideas. YAP is also really great at giving resources, tools, knowledge, and skills. It helped me a lot personally and professionally; I grabbed the opportunity to bring my vision into reality. I met with so many people, including experts and well-known leaders who were able to provide mentoring, and initiated conversations I learned a lot from. This is a truly great time for you to think about your vision to change current social issues. YAP is for you! Seize this opportunity to get support in making your idea a reality! My most memorable points with YAP was the unity of the candidates during the program. Many of us were nervous, excited, confused, and unsure during the retreat and program, however, during the process, we got better everyday and achieved our dream. This experience will stay with me for a long time.

Video fades to a soft white background with several different font types showing "NAD" very quickly. Copyright video ends with the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) logo centered. Blue text below the logo appears, "The National Association of the Deaf / (copyright) 2018 All Rights Reserved / Link ". After a few beats, a yellow highlight appears with the URL.

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