Why Deaf people are denied from exercising their constitutional voting rights.

ChrisHaulmark     December 28, 2017 in ASL 16 Subscribers Subscribe

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Chris Haulmark​ reveals the reason why Deaf people are denied from exercising their constitutional voting rights. He includes a plan.

Chris Haulmark revela la razón por la cual a las personas Sordas se les niega el ejercicio de sus derechos de voto constitucionales.

Videos by The Kansas City Star​ with NO captions:

With Dr. Arden Andersen​: Link
With Jim Ward​: Link
With Joshua Svaty​: Link
WIth Howard Dean​: Link

#KS03 #ksleg #Audism #Ableism #VotingDenied #VoterSuppression #Fighter #RallyingCry #Deaf #Disabilities #CripTheVote #ShareThis #CaptionThis

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