ASLized's Storytelling Competition

ASLized     November 9, 2017 in ASL 4 Subscribers Subscribe

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Celebrate ASL by producing original work and win $100! The competition is for Deaf and Child of Deaf Adults only.

January - Winter Sports (classifiers)
February - Black History Month (essay)
March - Deaf President Now (poem)
April - Deaf Jokes (originals)
May - Mother/Aunt/Grandma’s Day (poem)
June - Father/Uncle/Grandpa’s Day (humor)
July - Summer break (personification)
August - What ASLized means to me (essay)
September - Deaf Awareness (A-Z, 1-10, HS)
October - Halloween (classifiers)
November - Deaf Role Models (essay)
December - Deaf Studies (presentation)

1. Watch our monthly announcements
2. Limit your video to 3 minutes long
3. Post your public video on Facebook and tag @ASLized
4. ASLized will share your video on their wall
5. The winner will be determined at the end of the month
6. The video with most likes and shares will win $100
7. ASLized will send you $100 online via PayPal
8. Have fun and good luck!


Hand waves to our sponsors: Dawn Sign Press, SVRS, and Colorado Relay

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