Invitation to connect with Haulmark.

ChrisHaulmark     October 12, 2017 in ASL 16 Subscribers Subscribe

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Chris Haulmark invites Third District voters to come connect with him as he FIGHTS for We, The People.

[Chris Haulmark, a white male with short hair and trimmed beard, is standing in the kitchen while wearing dark blue, rolled up long-sleeved, and buttons-up shirt.]

Hello everyone!

This is Chris Haulmark, running for US House of Representatives in Kansas’s Third Congressional District.

I wish to announce that today’s our 67th daily video that has been produced EVERYDAY since starting August 6, 2017.

Today’s announcement comes from an understanding of the uphill battle fighting for myself and fellow American people who want an actual representative in Congress capable of FIGHTING in there!

I’m not running to win to be a status-quo "Democrat," sitting in the Capitol as your Congressman to twiddle my thumbs just to satisfy the status-quo Democrat leaders who want a useless lackey as their 3rd District representative.

No way, I’m not like that at all!

Be noted- yes, of course I use American Sign Language and I’m proud of it!

I don’t see myself as a disabled person because I don’t hear.

Not at all!

It's BECAUSE I use American Sign Language!

If we ALL know American Sign Language, think about it!

We wouldn’t even be considered “Deaf people,” and not even a “disabled person.”

What an idea!

So! Now you understand!

If you were to meet up with me- please do come up as I tend to go out and about town often-

If you were to notice me, recognize me as Chris Haulmark, wondering if we could chat- DO COME UP! And say “Hello!”

I’m not shy at all!

Be aggressive with me!

I LOVE to chat with people!

In fact, I want YOU to challenge me!

Bring up important debatable issues on what I will do in Congress for YOU, the VOTERS!

And also remember that I’m a FIGHTER! Got that?!

Not giving up at all! I don’t just walk around, giving lip service to convince you for your vote just because I’m sitting in Congress- NO, not at all!


I will be your fighter in Congress in Washington!

I PLAN to raise HELL for the sake of WE, THE PEOPLE, NOT corporations and not because of the party-line Democrats!

Hell no! *grinning*

I’m going to walk the talk!

Vote Chris Haulmark to fight for you in Congress!

[Video fades into a black background with a logo of a cartoonish Chris Haulmark signing “Believe” with white text of “Yes, We Can Believe” below the logo. There is the text of at the bottom]

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