The Grain Of A Mustard Seed

TabletalkReader     October 6, 2017 in Religion 85 Subscribers Subscribe

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Here is the devotional in English:

Hello, this is the 57th devotion in our study of Mark. We are in Chapter 4, and will look at verses 30 through 33 today.
In the last 2 devotions, ”More Mysteries" and "More Mysteries 2”, we discussed a parable, which is a cultural analagy, that Jesus told His 1st century listeners for them to understand what the Kingdom of God was like.

(Mark 4:26a)

Okay! I hope you familiarized yourself with those previous devotions and are ready to proceed!

(Mark 4:30)

Jesus might be thinking out loud here by stating these questions for the benefit of those listening to Him. No doubt His listeners would be meditating on the parable He has just finished giving them, and also on these questions. The recent teaching will prepare them for another analogy Jesus will tell them through the following parable…

(Mark 4:31)

The Kingdom of God can be compared to a grain of mustard seed. It is the smallest of all the seeds!
Previously Jesus taught about "seeds that were planted" to teach the people about faith and the process of sanctification, (which is the life-long journey of becoming more Christ-like).
Today we are reading of Jesus's teaching about "this particular seed". We must remember the culture of those listening to Jesus. This was greatly a farming community. The people would have understood Jesus analogy well. This is the first meaning to Jesus's parable. The first meaning is "Generally Understood”.

(Mark 4:32)

This tiniest of seed would grow into a large plant, larger than any other herb! It's leaves would branch out strong and wide- wide enough that birds could shelter under them!
Jesus was always busy teaching and preaching on important spiritual matters. So the crowd knew this parable included the 2nd meaning to all Jesus parables. That is knowing that it "Has a Spiritual Application".

(Mark 4:33)

Hmmm. At the end of verse 33, Mark tells us "as they were able to hear it". What does this mean? Is Jesus talking about people who could hear what He's saying? No... Is He meaning those who understand the everyday common meaning of how this seed grows? No... Jesus is referring to those who can hear with spiritual ears. This means that those who believe on Jesus as the Saviour from their sins have the ability to diciper a meaning that unbelievers are not able to understand. Jesus is talking specifically about the 3rd and last meaning of His parables. This is the "Deeper Spiritual Meaning”.

(Mark 4:30-33)

Until then, keep the Lord in your thoughts and always in your heart. He will keep you going North. Coram Deo!

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