Dirty money in politics!

ChrisHaulmark     September 28, 2017 in ASL 16 Subscribers Subscribe

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Chris Haulmark​ shares a shocking revelation about the Graham-Cassidy Bill and dirty money in politics!


[Video Description: Chris Haulmark, wearing blue-striped, long-sleeved, and button-up shirt, is standing in the kitchen.]

Chris Haulmark shares a shocking revelation about the Graham-Cassidy Bill and dirty money in politics! Click to listen why he WON'T be bribed!

Hello, hello!

I’m Chris Haulmark, running for US House of Representatives in Kansas’s Third Congressional District.

Today, I want to seriously explain what I have learned about, and share a clear understanding of what’s going on with the Graham-Cassidy healthcare bill.

That horrible piece of legislation was proposed the EVIL Republican leadership caucus in a hard push to quickly pass and destructively expel previously uninsured Americans and those with pre-existing conditions, all of whom are covered under the Affordable Care Act.

Why are these Republican leaders EVIL?

Because they don’t EVEN THINK about WE THE People!

These EVIL Republicans only care about corporations and the wealthy!

First, let’s consider the evidence…

About how those unknown faceless wealthy elite getting involved in the healthcare bill...

Let’s bring your attention to ALEC-

American Legislative Exchange Council secret group.

What ALEC really does is fundraise dark money from those wealthy elite, whom generously donate along with their corporate benefactors.

ALEC is a not-for-profit organization with a mission to use that dark money to influence OUR government at both the Congressional and state-levels, and some at the city & county level, too.

How does ALEC’s influence work?

Here’s an example:

ALEC’s huge pile of dark money within its organization pays for luxurious business-class flight tickets to transport legislators to a secret location, where they all convene, USUALLY a casino…

USUALLY, although it could be a resort somewhere else, too.

ALEC pays for the legislators’s luxurious food, like lobster,  BBQ- cooked steak!  

Seriously!  With EXPENSIVE wines, and so much more.

Plus, they are given spa treatments and so much more luxury, like a nice pool- the whole works!

Just spoiling YOUR legislators who attend.

Once everything is done, the legislators are taken into private closed-door conferences, with no public transparency.

In those secret meetings, the legislators discuss new bills that ALEC has already written for them for the benefit ONLY the wealthy and their corporations.

That’s called BRIBERY!

ALEC and their donors are BRIBING the legislators, spoiling them then convincing them to pass their evil bills.

Get it?

That’s the big picture of what ALEC does.

I, Chris Haulmark, am deeply suspicious that ALEC is backing the ultimate purpose of the healthcare bill that Senator Lindsey Graham, that EVIL Republican from South Carolina has been trying to pass.

Why do I believe so?

I’ve read articles on the life and death of the Graham-Cassidy bill.

What happened?

Unbelievably, Senator Graham had NO IDEA AT ALL what was in that very same bill that HE PROPOSED IN Congress!!





Because, obviously ALEC wrote that bill, then submitted it, hoping that those EVIL Republicans would pass it through Congress.

That’s the bill to EXPEL WE THE PEOPLE!


See how our government is so corrupted?

That’s so despicable!

So horribly evil!

I strongly encourage everyone, when you vote, to look carefully at the candidates.

Are the candidates WILLING to to be spoiled by organizations like ALEC, hmm?

And also, are these organizations influencing the candidates to pass destructive bills for the wealthy elite?

Are they?  Are they?

NO WAY, I’m NOT playing that game!

Not at all!

I would be backstabbing my Deaf community and disabled Americans all across the country if I were to accept BRIBES.


THAT’S WHY I thoroughly REFUSE ANY contribution from PACs.


Got that?

No bribes for Chris Haulmark!

[Video fades into a black background with a logo of a cartoonish Chris Haulmark signing “Believe” with white text of “Yes, We Can Believe” below the logo. There is the text of www.HaulmarkForCongress.com at the bottom]

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