Three theories about the vibrant Deaf community

ChrisHaulmark     September 15, 2017 in ASL 16 Subscribers Subscribe

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Congressional Candidate Chris Haulmark excitedly shares three theories about the vibrant Deaf community. Guess which one his campaign is building on!




[Video Description: Chris Haulmark is standing in the kitchen wearing a dark blue short-sleeved and button-up shirt.]

Hello everyone!

I am Chris Haulmark, running for Kansas's Third Congressional District!

Today, I inform you that I watched a video shared by a Deaf lady- what a powerful vlog!

Her name is Regan Thibodeau.


In her 20-minute long video, Ms. Thibodeau expanded on a subject which made me contemplate...

With this insight in mind, today's vlog presents three theories, which I am familiar from years of lifelong experience.

We, the Deaf community, are already familiar with the first theory *aside* for those unfamiliar- it called the “Crab Theory”-

What is the “Crab Theory?”

Hypothetically, if one catches one crab and drop it into the bucket, and leaves it alone, this one crab will escape the bucket.

That's an easy escape in this scenario.

Now, suppose there are five crabs in the bucket?

A single crab cannot escape because the crabs constantly pull each other down.

If a crab successfully climbed up to the bucket rim, soon to escape, the other crabs drag it back down before it can escape.

That scenario is prevalent throughout Deaf community's lives.

The “Crab Theory” applies if when someone is about to gain success, the other Deaf people would pull this person backward with negative comments, intentionally ruining this person's opportunities for successful achievement.

That's the “Crab Theory.”

The second theory is what Ms. Thibodeau extensively described in clearly understandable details.

The second theory is aptly termed the "Piranha P-I-R-A-N-H-D?-A (did I spell that correctly?) Theory.

Piranhas are an Amazon River meat-eating fish.

How does Piranha Theory work?

Imagine I'm on a boat...

Now see my arm here- notice how unblemished it is...

Now, I stick my arm into the water- what happens?


That's because my arm is clean.

Now suppose my arm is bloody from a little wrist cut here, then stick the arm into the water...ooh!

There WILL be a piranha feeding frenzy!

Because they are drawn to the blood.

Got this?

How does “Piranha Theory” would apply to Deaf people's lives?

Imagine someone appears ready to move towards success, and, this person has a flawless background with a clean record- no life mistakes, no revealed dark secrets, nothing at all.

How would the “piranhas” react?

They leave the person alone!

Now we have that scenario...

Now imagine another person moving forward, climbing the ladder of success, yet has a troubled background- something "wrong" happened?

That is the “bloody cut.”

And there we have it- someone is going to jump onto this person and attack over that "mistake", and chew the person up!

This is “Piranha Theory.”

Got it?

Now onto the third theory, called “Dolphin Theory.”

What is this “Dolphin Theory?”

Imagine a pod of dolphins swimming in the water together through the sea.
One dolphin becomes exhausted, unable to continue, struggling to surface for air and sinking from exhaustion.

What would happen?

Another dolphin would swim over, assisting the exhausted dolphin resurface by helping push it upwards

Together, they would ride the waves until the exhausted dolphin has rested enough to breathe and stay alive independently.


THAT’S the “Dolphin Theory.”

How would Dolphin Theory apply to our Deaf lives?

Imagine someone is about to reach an ultimate success, yet is struggling so much!
So many difficulties!

Then people come together to support, assist, and cheer- "You can make it! You can do it! Go, go! You will make it!"

That's why I love Ms. Thibodeau's comment saying: if someone is depressed, and another person just smiled, that's a spark of inspiration to continue forward with life, striving for happiness.

Just like the Dolphin Theory!

Now do we understand those three theories?

Which theory do we need to move forward and achieve a successful Congressional campaign?



Power to Dolphin Theory!

[Video fades into a black background with a logo of a cartoonish Chris Haulmark signing “Believe” with white text of “Yes, We Can Believe” below the logo. There is the text of at the bottom]

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