"Medicare for All"

ChrisHaulmark     September 15, 2017 in ASL 16 Subscribers Subscribe

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Chris Haulmark​ explains how the "Medicare for All" bill improves our broken healthcare insurance system, wholeheartedly endorsing health care for ALL Americans!


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[Video Description: Chris Haulmark is standing in the kitchen with Route 66 logo centered on his black t-shirt.]

Hello everyone!

I am Chris Haulmark, running for U.S. House of Representatives
in Kansas's Third Congressional District.

Did you notice that Senator Bernie Sanders pushing the Medicare For *ALL* bill?

There are some other Democrats backing it in sponsorship, working with Senator Sanders.

Wow! Impressive! That is awesome!

A few people have contacted me, wanting to know how Medicare for All works.

How implementing that bill would help all Americans and Kansans have health care access.

Ok, let's answer.

First, let us discuss what really is the issue with America's current approach to our health care.

Hypothetically, if you had an emergency- some crisis happened to you, needing a doctor's treatment.

You would go to an emergency room, correct?

That's the expectation.

You go to the ER to get treatment.

Your health is now stabilized.

Then you depart, going back home to wait for the next doctor's appointment as a follow up.

With me so far?

That is how it is supposed to be- an ideal scenario- the way to solve the health emergency, because disasters do happen.

This is the ideal scenario.

Now, let us think...

What is the largest treated healthcare problem here in America, excluding uninsured emergency room users?

America's largest treated healthcare problem is: insured people needing preventive healthcare services.

Are you with me so far?

This latter pool consists of people who can afford health care, or work to get employer-provided healthcare insurance; or are elders covered by Medicare, or are low-income qualifying for state Medicaid programs.

Those insured with preventive services coverage are protected from the more acute health issues that cannot be quickly cured.

Meaning that minor recognizable symptoms can be treated right away upon detection, instead of ignoring it until it grows into a serious heath issue- a crisis where one has to go to the emergency room in the middle of the night!

The insured pool covering preventive services- that's GOOD but leaves out MANY people who cannot afford or even get healthcare insurance coverage for preventing future major health issues.

This entire population is left out!

So what choice do they have?

They just keep going to the emergency room every time a major crisis metastasizes from a small preventable health issue.

This major health crisis has now become SO terrible, they HAVE TO to get temporary treatment at the emergency room; then they go and are sent home, but are unable to follow-up doctor appointments, because of no health care insurance coverage or are unable to self-pay.

So what do they do?

They wait until the healthcare crisis happens again and go back to the emergency room again!

It's an endless cycle!

By law, emergency room services are F-R-E-E for the uninsured category.

Emergency room services cost much more than for those whose preventative services are decently covered by health care insurance.

So, to solve this major issue, the ACA (Affordable Care Act) was passed under when the Obama Administration occupied the White House.

[Rest of transcription at:Link

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