DGM Rally - Route Map in Washington DC on March 8, 2018

DeafDannyComedy     September 12, 2017 in ASL 55 Subscribers Subscribe

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[TRANSCRIPT]: Danny: Hello! I'm Danny Froehle and I wanted to give you all an update about the DGM National Rally on March 8, 2018. Today, I have a new update: Rally Map! To make things as visually clear as possible of the route from Gallaudet University, where the rally will start, all the way to the U.S. Capitol so you all can familiarize yourselves with the location, find ample parking, where to meet, and where the rally ends. Take a look! (Video shows route map from Gallaudet University to the U.S. Capitol with cool, futuristic graphics. Rally location at the U.S. Capitol is shown then a map of the route starting at the Gallaudet Campus at 9:30 am right in front of the intersection of 8th NE and Florida Ave NE, going south on 8th NE then west on L Street, you’ll go under a Railroad Underpass then southwest on First Street, onto Louisiana Avenue NE passing the Union Station then it will turn into Louisiana Avenue NW, and then you go east on Constitution Avenue NW. Arriving at the U.S. Capitol. Flyer of the event is shown then a picture of the U.S. Capitol pops up with an American Flag in the background.) Danny: Now you know what the rally route looks like! It's time for all us to come together to make the journey to Washington, D.C. at the U.S. Capitol, to wake them up and push Congress to make positive changes and our children’s sake! We will be also be helping NAD (National Association of the Deaf) and State Associations all over the country plus many organizations serving the deaf by achieving equality for our community. Deaf Grassroots Movement is not an organization (shakes head “No”) We are all activists and we all must band together, and rally together. We can make a difference for our future. Who can go? Young, Old, Children, Seniors, Persons of Color, Deaf, Deafblind, Hard of Hearing, CODA’s, Interpreters, Hearing people, Family, Friends, EVERYONE. Let’s all come together and go make history. We can accomplish change, we cannot wait for any longer (shakes head “No”) you all agree with me? (gives a Thumbs up) See you all there! (gives another Thumbs up then a Peace sign and fades into a dark greenish background with text that says “Deaf Grassroots Movement”. (ends)

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