Apple Event

xcpors     September 12, 2017 in The Deaf Apple 0 Subscribers Subscribe

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63 Video Comments

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  1. ReplyTo:   Airshowfan
  2. ReplyTo:   xcpors
  3. ReplyTo:   signhand
    Title:   airpower
  4. ReplyTo:   signhand
  5. ReplyTo:   DeafHawk62
    Title:   icloud storage and bac..

  6. Title:   Jony Ive
  7. ReplyTo:   xcpors
    Title:   Compare
  8. ReplyTo:   Airshowfan
    Title:   iPhone X size (M)
  9. ReplyTo:   xcpors
  10. ReplyTo:   signhand
  11. ReplyTo:   Airshowfan, xcpors
  12. ReplyTo:   signhand, Airshowfan
    Title:   S, M and L
  13. ReplyTo:   signhand
    Title:   clarify?
  14. ReplyTo:   xcpors
    Title:   skip 7s
  15. ReplyTo:   xcpors
    Title:   Everyone
  16. ReplyTo:   taylerade
    Title:   about 7s
  17. ReplyTo:   xcpors
    Title:   iPhone X 10.1?
  18. ReplyTo:   taylerade
    Title:   X.1, X.2, X.3, and more
  19. ReplyTo:   Airshowfan
    Title:   decide?
  20. ReplyTo:   xcpors
    Title:   iPhone X (year)

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