I need to talk about related to LSD and the difference between LSD and TLC.

hyorion     September 6, 2017 in ASL 0 Subscribers Subscribe

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hi!! I did a vlog.. but this took a long time because I translated from ASL to English.
Transcript: Ok so I planned to do a vlog a long time ago but I was busy. Now I'm good to go. So, I have a list I need to talk about related to LSD and the difference between LSD and TLC. What's TLC? The Learning Center for the Deaf, now it is called Marie Phillip School. But anyway, there's BIG difference between them. I grew up in TLC then moved to LSD last year in sept 6th. Within one month or two, I was thrown back by the big difference between TLC and LSD. I was very surprised by the difference. I didn't think there would be any huge difference, I knew there would be some difference. not that big difference. The first thing I want to tell is related to BIBI school. What is BIBI? Its a bilingual and bicultural. Ok what does that mean? Basically two languages is ASL and English, separated, not mixed together. Bicultural, It means two different cultures. hearing culture and deaf culture mixed together. Ok so that's BIBI. TLC definitely has BIBI program. They (TLC) separates ASL and English. They teaches with ASL but separated from Education. Like for example, do they mix ASL with English, no. English sentence is in English and the teacher sign in ASL if the students don't understand English. TLC don't change English sentences into ASL sentences to make the students understand what it says. So that's the TLC's method. Here, LSD, there's big difference...again, I was thrown back by the difference. LSD's "BIBI" program...mixes ASL and English. LSD let's the students talk verbally to other kids and teachers and the teachers talk back to the students verbally. Oh, that means the deaf kids will be lost. TLC separates the kids who talk verbally and learn from hearing the teachers with the kids whose primary communication is ASL. LSD don't, they mix the students. I think LSD has a wrong method...now other thing LSD has big difference from TLC is that TLC lets you to go to nurse by yourself. Bathroom, the same thing, they let you go by yourself. The bathroom isn't locked too. Do TLC limit how many times you can go to bathroom? Nope. LSD requires you to go to SHC (nurse) with staff. Need to go to bathroom? You have to be with a staff. LSD limits you to how many times you can go to bathroom. Isn't that treating us like animals? Prison? So...TLC requires you to tell the secretary you're going to the nurse, then the secretary gives you a pass, once you're finished with the nurse, the nurse will give you pass to give to the teacher. But here, LSD, nope. You have to inform the teacher you need to go to the SHC, so they'll call the principal, then either the vice principal or principal will look and look for a free staff to go with you to SHC, and once you're finished, the staff has to walk you to the class. Its very time consuming. What if somebody has a allergy reaction?? Do they have to wait for the staff to find an available staff? I have food allergies. Do you think if I have an allergy reaction, I will wait for the staff to look for another staff to walk me to SHC? If I have an allergy reaction, I'll run to SHC without staff, period. No doubt. I prefer to save my life instead of making sure somebody is with me. SHC is right there, its very close. I'll run there, I'm serious, no doubt.
Bathroom, its locked, I don't feel comfortable with that. Why? Oh do you know the staff has to unlock the door and wait outside until you're finished with your business then lock it again? I'm a woman and a male staff walk me to bathroom. Okay so the purpose of that policy is prevent rape. Okay fine but do you know that a male staff can rape you too. I mean anyone can rape you. Even the female staff can rape the girls too, what if she's lesbian? There's no way to get out of that situation. It can be anyone to rape you. Anytime. anywhere. It doesn't have to be in bathroom. It can be in the classroom, hallways, or outside...anywhere!
ok fine, another thing, staff, teachers, nurses, and security guards don't know sign. Some of them do sign but most of them sign like robot. The staff, especially the teachers, you work with deaf students on a daily basis. how do you not know sign? How embarrassing. Y'all don't have to take the sign language tests every 7 years, yet TLC staff have to every 7 years even if you passed 7 years ago. LSD staff don't have to. Oh, you have two years to learn sign language. You don't learn sign language? postpone the deadline to another two years and end up never firing you due to your lack of sign language. okay fine how do you, deaf people, communicate with them if they don't know sign language? How can you? You can't. That's embarrassing. Deaf kids try to communicate with the hearing staff using sign language...and hearing staffs can't understand them so they have to use the interpreters. oh wait aren't you at a deaf school??

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