Women's Equality Day

ChrisHaulmark     August 26, 2017 in ASL 16 Subscribers Subscribe

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Chris Haulmark honors the epic historical accomplishments of Women's Equality Day & honor those who fought for another 45 years to extend voting rights to women of color.


[Video Description: Chris Haulmark is standing in the kitchen with light-blue and long sleeved button-up shirt.]

Hello everyone!

I am Chris Haulmark, running for Kansas’s Third District in the U.S. House of Representatives!

Today is August 26, Women’s Equality Day as established by Congress.

How did this day come to be?

In 1848, a group of women decided to fight for what they did not have:
the right to vote.

From 1848 to 1920, an epic battle so influential on America’s history was fought.

Yes, It was a hugely catastrophic fight during that era.

A destructive fight simply because many powerful groups believed that women should not be privileged with the right to vote.

Back then, women rebelled against the disenfranchising system.

Voting rights opponents kept oppressing and suffragists fought back.

Nevertheless, the women’s rights movement persisted, enduring destructive violent retaliation.

Some suffragists were killed!

Some suffragists got horribly maimed!

THOSE fighters are OUR American heroes!


Victory at last succeeded in codifying the 19th Amendment to our United States Constitution.

What an accomplishment!

Now, throughout our entire nation, all women can vote today because of this epic victory!

Today, all of us men can pay homage, respecting and honoring Women’s Equality Day.

Whew...[deep humbling breath]

Why are women voting rights so important in Kansas and America?

Because women passionately value and love our democratic country!

These women's rights leaders want the best for all in our diverse society!

Female leaders are the ones who actively get involved, making progressive change by steering all of us in this country toward a better more equitable future!

That why women’s rights are so valuably important!

Power to and for the women!

[Video fades into a black background with a logo of a cartoonish Chris Haulmark signing “Believe” with white text of “Yes, We Can Believe” below the logo. There is the text of www.HaulmarkForCongress.com at the bottom]

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