The NAD Responds to Charlottesville

NAD     August 17, 2017 in ASL 21 Subscribers Subscribe

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The NAD stands against white supremacy.

VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Howard A. Rosenblum is standing inside the NAD Headquarters lobby, in front of the Front Desk. The NAD logo appears on bottom right corner as a watermark.

HOWARD: The Board and staff at the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) express their disgust and sadness with the events that transpired in Charlottesville, Virginia on August 12, 2017. On that day, the city had plans to remove a statue honoring a confederate soldier. A group of white supremacist held a protest and march to try to stop the removal and to demand that the statue be left alone. An opposing group disagreed and demanded that the statue be removed as planned. The white supremacists were sharing messages full of hate, oppression, racism, bigotry, elitism, and violence. Their message is awful and wrong. Exclusion is never good, and we recognize that the NAD has had a past history of excluding marginalized communities. The NAD was wrong to have done that and have since stopped that practice. We are committed to including all. We recognize that all of us must work together because what happened in Charlottesville is not the first or only tragedy. Unfortunately, acts of white supremacy happen every day and everywhere in the US. We must work together to take a stand and say that white supremacy is always wrong.

Video fades to a soft white background with several different font types showing “NAD” very quickly. Copyright video ends with the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) logo centered. Blue text below the logo appears, “A production of the National Association of the Deaf (copyright) 2017 All Rights Reserved”.

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  1. ReplyTo:   NAD
    Title:   Thank you Howard
  2. ReplyTo:   NAD
    Title:   We all face Hate/Bigotry
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