Ask Howard Anything / July 2017

NAD     July 25, 2017 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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Why should you come to the NAD Leadership and Training Conference (NLTC)? #AskHoward

VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Howard A. Rosenblum is standing outside at a school for the deaf in Mexico City. The NAD logo appears on bottom right corner as a watermark.

HOWARD: Hi! I am doing this month’s Ask Howard Anything (AHA) from Mexico City, Mexico! I’m here for two conferences within the deaf community. One conference is about bilingual education for deaf students in Mexico using Lengua de Señas Mexicana (LSM) and Spanish — very similar to our advocacy efforts in the U.S., especially in regards to policy and legal issues. I was invited to present at that conference as well as at a second conference, which focuses on deaf rights in Mexico and is attended by deaf people from all over Mexico. It’s been fun and enjoyable! For this month’s AHA I want to explain about the NAD Leadership and Training Conference (NLTC) that is happening in October. We look forward to having you join us at this important conference. NLTC is a great opportunity for deaf people to continue to develop their leadership skills. Leadership means many different things — it can be focused on employment advancement, organizational development, state association governance, government advocacy (including policy and legal issues), and much more. NLTC will provide training on how to advocate for our rights in all of these areas. All of us are leaders and the NLTC is way for us to continue to learn and improve our skills for our community. Join us at NLTC to learn, meet others, and network! I look forward to seeing you in Oklahoma City! Thank you.

Video fades to a soft white background with several different font types showing “NAD” very quickly. Copyright video ends with the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) logo centered. Blue text below the logo appears, “A production of the National Association of the Deaf (copyright) 2017 All Rights Reserved”.

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