Send back to post office. Pay it and why?

Joan     June 21, 2017 in ASL 18 Subscribers Subscribe

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Sonic Boom Clock (9D5 & 209941) from Harris Communication. This product don't work by "Auto" on Outer of switch and it keep continue flash when time set and don't work. Had to unplug it. Just wonder if it is true or ? Link (blue)

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13 Video Comments

  1. ReplyTo:   Joan
  2. ReplyTo:   Joan
    Title:   USPS Policy
  3. ReplyTo:   Gideon
  4. ReplyTo:   dsport06
    Title:   Thanks

  5. Title:   Return or Refuse
  6. ReplyTo:   Joan
    Title:   AL OFF?
  7. ReplyTo:   Gideon
  8. ReplyTo:   Joan
    Title:   2 diff sonic alert booms   Link 1   Link 2
  9. ReplyTo:   Joan
  10. ReplyTo:   dsport06
    Title:   Can't find USPS Policy?

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