Gallaudet Board of Trustees Spring 2017 Report

Gallaudet University     June 13, 2017 in ASL 23 Subscribers Subscribe

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Watch a summary of the May 2017 Board of Trustees meeting.

**Correction to the Committee on Student Affairs section is listed below**

The Board had the privilege of meeting five graduating students and learning more about their experiences and challenges at Gallaudet, as well as discussing their future plans. The panel included Conrad Baer, Rosina Garcia, Thinaja Nadarajah, Crystal Padilla, and Jimel Wright. The committee wanted to recognize Christine Gannon, director of Health and Wellness Programs and panelist Rosina Garcia, peer health advocate doing her social work internship, for their collaboration in writing and being awarded a National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) CHOICES Alcohol Education Grant. The grant will help Gallaudet expand resources and support for drug and alcohol abuse through a collaboration with Health and Wellness Programs, Counseling and Psychological Services, and Athletics. The Trustees also learned that the Office of Campus Activities, under the leadership of Dr. Mary Keane, won a grant application to waive the membership fees for the first year of the new leadership honor society that was established on campus, of which 114 students signed up and 17 students have completed the process and were inducted.

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