THE PENTECOST DAY: Today is the Pentecost Day!

heeeres johnny     May 31, 2017 in ASL 0 Subscribers Subscribe

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Let us go to Deaf Churches and give thanks and worship to God and fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ. Let us remember the Biblical story of God given-gift of the Holy Ghost to 120 disciples of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:1-47; Joel 2:28-29) .

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    Title:   make clarify of baptized
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  3. ReplyTo:   NormASL1
    Title:   bread and wine   Link 1   Link 2
  4. ReplyTo:   heeeres johnny
    Title:   7 Sabbaths/ sheaf(omer)
  5. ReplyTo:   heeeres johnny
    Title:   firstfruits-7 Sabbaths
  6. ReplyTo:   heeeres johnny
    Title:   Why must Festivals?
  7. ReplyTo:   heeeres johnny
    Title:   speak of anti-Semitic
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