GraciousTorah Jan 07, 2025309
GraciousTorah May 14, 2017 in ASL 66 Subscribers Subscribe
See Barry Sewell and John Graham at YouTube: Link ... Matthew wrote by Messiah, "In vain do they worship Me, teaching as teachings the commands of men." Matt. 15:9
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Title: Still forget "Done away"
Title: Your homework ----> Link 1
Title: isaiah 40:28-31
Title: THAT'S IT, SORRY ☹ï¸
Title: Re: #28... Link 1
Title: Watchtower Authority
Title: Thanks JH for have tools
Title: You have good a point
Title: 4 verses in OldTestament
Title: several moreverses in OT
Title: Obey Word of God
Title: Watchtower's is Pyramid
Title: Watchtower's is Pyramid
Title: No organization 100%
Title: Sorry again and Heb. 8
Title: No sweat? check mirror
Title: fingerspelling???
Title: see 2Thess 2:4 in temple Link 1
Title: see my vlog #17 Link 1
Title: WATCH OUT...boasting ### Link 1