Board Report April 2017: Region II

NAD     April 26, 2017 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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[Video description can be found below. If you use a screen reader and need to access the English caption file transcript, go to "More..." and click on "Transcript"]

Enjoy a two minute summary of what the NAD Board did in Connecticut and Massachusetts during their quarterly board meeting. Also, in this video, Region II Reps share an update from Region II.

VIDEO DESCRIPTION AND TRANSCRIPT: A small white NAD logo appears on bottom right corner. The first two minutes is a montage of clips of the visit.

Linsay Jr. and Richard stand next to each other facing the camera.

LINSAY Jr. and RICHARD: Hello!

LINSAY Jr.: I’m Linsay Darnall Jr.

RICHARD: And I’m Richard McCowin.

LINSAY Jr.: We are your Region II Representatives.

RICHARD: There will be State Association Conferences happening soon, both of us are looking forward to them.

LINSAY Jr.: These conferences are opportunities for you to make motions about your state’s future. Could be about deaf people’s interests, deaf children, election for new officers, and to select delegates for the 2018 NAD Conference. Both of us are eager to work with you all.

RICHARD: I plan to attend the conferences in Nebraska and Indiana as I will be providing a workshop.

LINSAY Jr.: And I will go to Illinois and Iowa so I will see you there.

RICHARD: Currently, there are various legislative bills in our region. You have been doing a good job keeping an eye on these bills, we encourage you to continue! If you need some support, please feel to ask us.

LINSAY Jr.: One of the best ways to do this kind of work is through exchanging ideas. We all can observe and learn with better ideas. Improve from others. Continue to work. This will make progress for Region II for deaf people’s successful rights in regards to jobs, education, and access.

RICHARD: Now, as a board member, I have two responsibilities. I serve as the Board Liaison for Certified Deaf Interpreters (CDI) Task Force. The purpose of that task force is to improve how to work with deaf interpreters. I also serve as the Board Liaison for the NAD Interpreter Section. The section consists of people who joined the section to support interpreter issues and help make progress.

LINSAY Jr.: As for me, I am the Board Liaison for the NAD Youth Strategy Team (YST), which focus on ages of 18 – 30 years old. We are developing a survey to identify how to recruit or inspire young people to connect with the NAD. I also am on the Organization committee which is responsible to figuring out the structure of the NAD. We’re looking on ways to improve on its effectiveness and how to make it more efficient to serve you better.

RICHARD: So, that’s what we have worked so far. Of course, there is more work ahead of us. Also, we are also excited about the next board meeting which will happen at the NAD Leadership Training Conference (NLTC) in Oklahoma City this October. Come and join!

LINSAY Jr.: The best part is the regional mini-conference that will happen during NLTC. You will have an opportunity to make motions and be prepared for the NAD Conference next year in 2018. Come!

Video fades to a soft white background with several different font types showing "NAD" very quickly. Copyright video ends with the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) logo centered. Blue text below the logo appears, "A production of the National Association of the Deaf (copyright) 2017 All Rights Reserved".

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