Update #8 The Light of Deaf Women...
GDWNews Mar 01, 2018
GDWNews April 20, 2017 in ASL 3 Subscribers Subscribe
*Description of Video*
Thumbnail is a picture of a book mock-up with white letters and purple glow "be a backer on KICKSTARTER"
The video starts with animation of mock-up in different angles then flips right with different portraits of women in black and white.
As the last page flips, a woman with curly hair is looking at the camera directly with prayer sign. A video starts playing of the same women with her hair that is flowy with wind starts to sign...
0:00-0:03 Hello Everyone.
0:03-0:07 As you know, everyone has their inner light
0:08-0:14 Women, they have their own unique stories, journeys, and inner gifts
0:14-0:19 now, Deaf, they have their own culture, language, and it’s a community.
0:21-0:23 Combining them both gives us Deaf Women, and it’s incredible!
0:24-0:29 I founded and have been running Global Deaf Women for 9 years now,
0:30-0:33 I’ve met so many diverse Deaf Women,
0:34-0:37 I’ve been mesmerized by their stories,
0:38-0:41 the women are visionaries, activists fighting and advocating for access,
0:43-0:46 they are founders running non-profit organizations,
0:47-0:50 they are business owners, artists who have
0:50-0:54 triumphed through oppression, barriers, and challenges.
0:54-1:00 The women have also overcame all of that and discovered their very own inner light.
1:01-1:05 Their stories and triumphs should be shared with you and the world.
1:07-1:11 Books that are published with these kinds of stories come in scarcity.
1:12-1:15 Now, you might ask, how can we share these stories with the world?
The video of the woman stops playing and shows more mockup of the book, now it's open with some text on left hand side and a full page of black and white portrait of a photographer. There's purple text that says 60+ stories. Now, the video goes back to the same woman signing...
1:15-1:20 I am asking you to join and support these stories become a reality,
1:20-1:27 publishing the stories into a book. The stories from all of the Deaf Women will
1:27-1:29 become a continuous inspiration.
1:30-1:34 We all, together, can spread the light and
1:34-1:37 inspiration all over the world.
The woman goes back to her "praying pose" and the book flips as it is closing and flips left. There's on-screen text that says get your book today at Link and the logo for Global Deaf Women appears with all of the social media icons, facebook, twitter, instagram and the video ends.
Tip: pressing the SHIFT key on your keyboard does the same thing as clicking this button