ASL Directional Verbs practice Story #2 EIPA/NIC Prep

shelllium     April 3, 2017 in ASL 56 Subscribers Subscribe

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Hi! More directional verbs practice!
Here is the story:

1.I walk out to the barn and look at the hay, deciding that we need to order more.

2.I call my brother-in-law. ask if he has more hay, telling him I need 1 ton. He says he is sorry, he has sold the last of his hay, and tells me to call Roy.

3.I call Roy, he has hay, we discuss the price (130.00) and I arrange to pick it up on Sat.

4.I call my father-in-law and ask to borrow his trailer to take to Roy's on Sat to pick up the hay.

5.My husband walks into the barn and I explain my plans.

6. He agrees with me informs me he already ordered some hay yesterday!

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