The Exodus narrative: chapter 2 (The Bible Unearthed).

Virtual Deaf Church     March 31, 2017 in ASL 95 Subscribers Subscribe

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The Exodus narrative: chapter 2 (The Bible Unearthed). There is no major archaeological evidences that support the Exodus. The 200 years of archaeological search has cast serious doubts on Exodus. There are over 500,000 artifacts found and those contradicts with the Exodus. Rather the minor evidences as such, the use of bricks in some public projects and the refugees from drought in the Middle East to Nile Delta are exaggerated and miscast as major evidences.

The History of Egypt and Canaan doesn't match up with the Exodus narrative. Egypt was a low slavery society which they had more landless laborers to conscript for their public projects. The narrative of mass Israelite slavery contradicts with the Egyptian practice of low slavery use.

he geographical details mentioned in Exodus match the era of 700 BCE rather than 1400 BCE. Also the archaeological trips to Mt. Sinai, the site of 10 commandments, revealed that the site were unoccupied for thousands of years.

The Exodus is a great, powerful, and very inspiring narrative. Many of us can relate to the experience of being oppressed and breaking free of that oppression. It is a powerful story but it does not mean that it is true. Archaeology has demonstrated that.

[Sorry, the video is 17 min long]

The previous vlog cited in the video - "Archaeology have proved that Exodus is a myth" Link

The chapter two of "The Bible Unearthed by Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman"

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