Label "DeafVillage" Is it ok and/or safe?

Joan     March 26, 2017 in ASL 18 Subscribers Subscribe

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Time: 1:53 to the rest and Link , raven’s v l o g and get idea Link , screenname: TheDeafMoth and see the date 3-22-2017 Time: 4:09 to 11:14 Link , DeafVille and here it is Link , Screenname: camper and see video comment #1 &#2 of this Link , Hope you can see this and here it is Link ,

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25 Video Comments

  1. ReplyTo:   Joan
    Title:   Time: 1:53   Link 1
  2. ReplyTo:   Joan
    Title:   raven's v l o g   Link 1
  3. ReplyTo:   Joan
    Title:   TheDeafMoth Time:4:05   Link 1
  4. ReplyTo:   Joan
  5. ReplyTo:   Joan
    Title:   DeafVille   Link 1
  6. ReplyTo:   Joan
    Title:   camper & see &1 & #2   Link 1
  7. ReplyTo:   Joan
    Title:   facebook   Link 1
  8. ReplyTo:   zack1324
  9. ReplyTo:   Joan
  10. ReplyTo:   zack1324
    Title:   OOP & got it.
  11. ReplyTo:   zack1324
    Title:   timeline stuck...
  12. ReplyTo:   signhand
  13. ReplyTo:   Joan
    Title:   individual/community
  14. ReplyTo:   Joan
  15. ReplyTo:   signhand
    Title:   TheDeafMoth, time:12:20   Link 1
  16. ReplyTo:   deafaynrand
  17. ReplyTo:   Joan
    Title:   Tampa, AZ   Link 1
  18. ReplyTo:   Joan
    Title:   Phonenix, AZ   Link 1
  19. ReplyTo:   Joan
    Title:   Grass Ham, Oregon   Link 1

  20. Title:   Thanks

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