Evolution of nomads to farmers

Virtual Deaf Church     March 19, 2017 in ASL 95 Subscribers Subscribe

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The struggle between nomads and farmers. A 10,000 years old struggle. Evolution is essential to understanding the human history. For 1 million years, various homo species spread out throughout via migration, then they died out and become extinct. Then, 100,000 years ago the Homo sapiens spread out to the world. They were primarily nomadic hunter-gatherers, moving from places to other places, following their preys and gathering wild fruits & vegetables. Then 10,000 years old the Agriculture Revolution started and transformed the humans from nomads to farmers. The change from nomadic lifestyle to farming civilizations were gradual, not sudden.

When the Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, Greek, and Roman civilizations thrived, they still had to struggle with nomadic people. Being engaged in a perpetual struggle of being civilized or living in the old ways.

We think that, for example, the Native Americans were only "natives." That is incorrect. Actually most of the humans were nomadic hunter-gatherers. The idea of civilization was actually farmers' propaganda. They are called "primitives," "barbarians," etc. Actually, they were wise people who know how to live off the land and following the old way of living.

The nomadic living actually endured all the way until the Industrial Revolution before finally giving the way to the agricultural societies.

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