Is the Big Bang Biblical?

GraciousTorah     February 25, 2017 in ASL 66 Subscribers Subscribe

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We need a biblical evidence from the Scriptures and how we know the age of the Earth? Did Creator create all things by big bang?

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205 Video Comments

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  1. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
    Title:   Dr. Hugh Ross' website   Link 1
  2. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
    Title:   Dr. Hugh Ross' view   Link 1
  3. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
    Title:   laws of thermodynamics   Link 1   Link 2
  4. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
    Title:   Heat can make short time
  5. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
    Title:   Why stars on 4th Day?
  6. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
    Title:   create vs made Gen 1:16
  7. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
  8. ReplyTo:   PD2016
    Title:   6-7000 yrs civilization
  9. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
  10. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
  11. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
    Title:   Gen. 1:1-5...first day??
  12. ReplyTo:   deafdl
    Title:   Thanks guys for sharing
  13. ReplyTo:   Abcv2v
    Title:   Tag you, young man
  14. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
    Title:   Common Sense!!!
  15. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
    Title:   See if link will work...   Link 1
  16. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
    Title:   Support 1st view   Link 1
  17. ReplyTo:   Silent Rider
    Title:   Shalom I agreed 7000yrs
  18. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
    Title:   Whose Civilization?
  19. ReplyTo:   Silent Rider
    Title:   Gen. 1:2= Jer. 4:23-26
  20. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
    Title:   Peter warned about past
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