OAD Community Update 020617

OAD1921     February 5, 2017 in ASL 4 Subscribers Subscribe

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Chad A. Ludwig introduces as an OAD President with a few updates

1. Brookdale Chestnut Lane Assisted Living for the Deaf and DeafBlind's executive director, Brad Flynn announces he's transferring to another facility to manage. Renee Vairora, Deaf, was asked to step up as an Associate Executive Director to manage this facility. Brad will continue to mentor and foster Renee' new leadership role in managing the Brookdale Chestnut Lane Gresham facility. OAD share our congratulation to Renee for her continueed success.

2. ODEAF - Oregon Deaf Empowerment and Advocacy for Families is an organization seek to provide service to public who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing who survives domestic violence and sexual assault, ODEAF also want to provide education and training in stop the violence. ODEAF applied and got 501c3 from IRS with help from their attorney. OAD send their congratulation to ODEAF.

3. Sorenson SignMail! OAD wants to send a Oregon Deaf News through your Sorenson SignMail and please check out a separate video about this opportunity and how you can get added.

4. Deaf, Deaf-Blind, DeafPlus and Hard of Hearing Legislative Awareness Day at State Capitol on February 24, 2017. We need you THERE to share your "need" for service and send the message to our legislature to recognize the need in our community.

5. Dont forget to follow our Facebook page, sign up to subscribe weekly enews and visit our website at OAD1921.org. To join as a member to share your support with OAD, its only $30/biennial.

Thank you!

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