OAD President Community Update 01/17/2017

OAD1921     January 17, 2017 in ASL 4 Subscribers Subscribe

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Outline from the video

EHDI will have a meeting on January 19th from 9am to 12pm. (UDPATE: the meeting may be rescheduled due to weather)

ODHHS Advisory Committee will meet on January 20th from 9am to 12:30pm in Salem.

OAD board meeting will meet on January 21st from 10am to 1pm at Brookdale Chestnut Lane Assisted Living for the Deaf and DeafBlind.

All three above meetings are open meeting, the public are welcome to attend.

Legislative Update:

Senator Sara Gelser will reintroduce the bill that didnt pass during past legislative session to require legisature to have their session accessible with caption.

A group of people will introduce a legislative bill to change the current ORS 743A.140-141 to require the health benefit to cover hearing aids rather than only limit to cochlear implant.

OAD will introduce three other bills and they are not ready yet as soon they become available then we will let you know.

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