Is Santa white or black?

Virtual Deaf Church     December 9, 2016 in ASL 95 Subscribers Subscribe

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The Mall of America hired its first black Santa in the history and racists just flipped out on the Internet. As a white man, I gotta stand up and say this bluntly to the racists, "What is wrong with you!?!?" *Santa is not real, he is just a symbol. What is wrong with our symbols evolving? *Santa Claus as we know today is not the same in the past. Santa have evolved through the years. *Did you know that St. Nicholas, a historical figure that inspired the concept of Santa was actually dark-skinned. *Why the image of Santa has explicitly be a middle-aged, overweight white man? It is time to stop white-washing our images.

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    Title:   Good Vlog!
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    Title:   I am shock
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    Title:   fair not truth
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