SHARE: What Are You Doing This Summer?

NAD     November 21, 2016 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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[Video description can be found below. If you use a screen reader and need to access the caption file transcript, go to "More..." and click on "Transcript"]

What are you doing this summer? We want you to join us in Oregon for the Youth Leadership Camp! The deadline for camper applications is January 2, 2017. The deadline for staff applications is March 31, 2017. Apply today at Link !

Video description and transcript: Jonathan Scherling and Carl Sorrentino stand inside NAD Headquarters. A small white NAD logo appears on bottom right corner.

JONATHAN: What are you doing this summer?

Video cuts to two short sepia tinted clips: three campers laughing outside sitting around a wooden picnic table, a group of campers stand on stage inside the Leadership Hall.

CARL: Join us! Individuals working as staff will collaborate with high school campers; they will positively influence the campers through all aspects of youth development.

Video cuts to two short sepia tinted clips: two staff members stand in front of everyone at the campfire outside, a group of campers are huddled together outside.

JONATHAN: Come and participate in the Youth Leadership Camp (YLC)!

Video cuts to three short sepia tinted clips: close-up of the YLC logo inside Leadership Hall, a staff member is next to a powerpoint screen inside Leadership Hall, close-up of a camper smiling and watching something out of frame.

CARL: While you work for a month, you will be experiencing major personal growth along side the campers.

Video cuts to two short sepia tinted clips: close-up of a camper talking with the huddled group outside, campers crowd the stage inside Leadership Hall writing on different papers as a staff member looks on.

JONATHAN: YLC is truly a unique place where you meet different individuals, participate in a variety of activities, and experience personal growth, and more. All of these areas are essential leadership tools!

Video cuts to two short sepia tinted clips: wide-shot of camper standing on stage leading a meeting as the rest of the campers look on, campers are seated outside at the campfire during daytime and the sun is out -- one camper taps on another camper's shoulder and gestures that there is a camera recording behind them, the camper turns around and waves a hello and signs ILY to the camera.

JONATHAN: Apply! We hope to see you there!

Video fades to a soft white background -- the NAD YLC logo appears on the left and in blue/green text "CAMP IN SESSION / JULY 17 - AUGUST 12, 2017". Text fades to different slide in black/blue/green text "APPLICATION DEADLINES / CAMPER: JANUARY 2, 2017 / STAFF: MARCH 31, 2017"

Video fades to several different font types showing "NAD" very quickly. Copyright video ends with the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) logo centered. Blue text below the logo appears, "A production of the National Association of the Deaf (copyright) 2016 All Rights Reserved".

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  1. ReplyTo:   NAD
    Title:   Cool
  2. ReplyTo:   CoolPJR
    Title:   You are good adviser
  3. ReplyTo:   ravens1
    Title:   Thanks Sean
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