Deaf Children Need Access to Sign Language l #DeafChildrenNeedAccessSignLanguage

DominicLuVisiVlogs     November 6, 2016 in ASL 5 Subscribers Subscribe

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Transcript to CC
0:00 to 0:08
My name is Dominic LuVisi. What is the sign my name is (DL)?

0:09 to 0:17
I want to explain to you. Why are parents won't ASL communicate with Deaf Children's? Let me I explain to you my story experience grew up with my parents don't sign language with me.

0:18 to 0:42
When I was a kid hard communicate with my mom and sister only with ESL (English Sign Language) and half ASL. Not much learn about ASL. I suffered through with them.

0:43 to 0:56
Later I moved out with grandma and my dad during I was boy young. They never learned with ASL communicate. They wanted to be me to oral all in the mainstream school.

0:57 to 1:11
Later few year, finally I into in the CSDR (California School for the Deaf School). Where is South California in the Riverside? When I was 6 grade in the middle school. That where I learned from there.

1:12 to 0: 1:24
Past years, I grew up with Oral in the mainstream in school. I never understand what I oral. I don't know learned with my parents. They wanted to me perfect the kid in the mainstream in school. That's wrong.

1:25 to 1: 55
I was suffered through with oral. Now finally, I was into the CSDR and me learned with ASL a lot more than that. I was smart with my sign language value into my life. NO anymore with oral drop out for my life and difficult through from that. That is where my path from there with ASL.

1:56 to 2:20
When I moved out again with big sister and roommate too. I was suffering grew up with my dad. I wanted to be moved out and I wanted to environment ASL and with real, the family for only access communicates. Finally, there are have with environment ASL communicate access. I was lucky with my sister and roommate. That's important.

2:21 to 2:45
But I saw Deaf children not same with me through for environment ASL access. I really want all Deaf Children to need to sign language communicate with parents. That's really important for the Deaf children's life with ASL access.

2:46 to 3:10
I want to you understand how my experience grew up with my parents suffered. Parents need take to SIGN LANGUAGE for their need Deaf children communicate with you. That will be wonderful together family for communicating access and loving each other.

3:11 to 3:18
Thank you so much for watching me!! Subscribe me to my YouTube channel. See you later and I love you! :)

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