Inauguration 2016 - Advancing Transformational Leadership Around the Globe

Gallaudet University     October 13, 2016 in ASL 23 Subscribers Subscribe

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In keeping with President Cordano's promise to draw on expertise wherever it exists to fulfill Gallaudet's mission, the University kicks off its week of celebratory activities leading up to her inauguration with a panel discussion, "Advancing Transformational Leadership Around the Globe." Four distinguished leaders in the deaf community: Nancy Barker, Canada, a conservation scientist, doctoral candidate and visiting scholar at University of California at Berkeley, and human rights advocate for equality at the constitutional level; Raphy Domingo, Philippines, head of Learner-centered Education Access for the Deaf at the Center for Education Access and Development, De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde, Manila, and Filipino Sign language advocate; Bruno Druchen, South Africa, national director of Deaf Federation of South Africa; and Alvaro Espinoza, Guatemala, founder of Las Voces del Silencio (LAVOSI), an independent, deaf operated school for deaf children, bring unique perspectives and stories of change-making to campus. The panel will be moderated by Dr. Khadijat Rashid, a professor of economics at Gallaudet, a former White House Fellow, and a founding board member of the World Deaf Leadership Program.

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