Hillary blames on Trump for " Sexism "?!

antysunshine     October 7, 2016 in ASL 11 Subscribers Subscribe

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We know for a fact that Hillary ALLOWED her husband to rape many women that ruined their lives? Does that show Hillary as a real woman? No. She have a man thought in a woman body. Please read the book from Roger Stone who wrote a book about Hillary on war with women. I bet you didn't even aware about Hillary does not protect women! Link

Keep in your mind - Hillary is attacking Mr. Trump with ads of making him out to be disrespectful to women, when her husband Bill Clinton totally disrespected women and Hillary demeaned those women, she has no room to speak. If Hillary is going to go after Mr. Trump, then he has a right. Hillary has a very long history of defending sexual predators, from pedophiles to presidents. I don't think she's as much a friend to women and children as she says she is.

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