SHARE: President Updates -- September 2016

NAD     September 27, 2016 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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[Video description can be found below. If you use a screen reader and need to access the caption file transcript, go to "More..." and click on "Transcript"]

In this first installment of NAD President Melissa Draganac-Hawk's monthly series, Melissa shares updates about: the upcoming board meeting in October in the DC/Maryland area, committees, law enforcement, transparency, the five priorities, and!

Video description and transcript: NAD President Melissa Draganac-Hawk is in front of an off-white wall. A small white NAD logo appears on bottom right corner.

MELISSA: Hi, I’m Melissa! I will be doing videos periodically to share about what’s happening with the NAD. The 2016-2018 Board of Directors will have its first board meeting during October 21st through 23rd, in the DC/Maryland area. If you are interested in observing a board meeting session, you are welcome to join us! Details about the meeting will be shared with the community soon. The board is working on a call for committee members who may be interested in sharing their expertise with one of the various committees with the NAD. Committees may include development of policy, or plan a project. Keep an eye for further information about this soon! We recognize that the police shooting incidents, both recently and in the past, have a profound impact on the deaf and hard of hearing community. The NAD has already started reaching out to key stakeholders and organizations to figure out how to better work with law enforcement. You can get involved with this movement – one idea is to contact your local police station to start a dialogue about this. During my campaign prior to becoming president of the NAD, my vision was the 3 E’s -- Engage, Elevate, Energize within the deaf community, and to provide transparency. I’ve already started dialogue with State Associations and Affiliates to identify issues where we can work together and develop plans that can help, both locally and nationwide. The Board of Directors is currently reviewing the five priorities that were voted upon by the Council of Representatives (COR) at the NAD Conference this past July in Phoenix. Those five priorities were identified as important issues across the country – again, we will be reviewing that and sharing updates with you in the near future. Additionally, we will also announce appointed board members soon! Last, but not least, have you registered to vote on Election Day on November 8th? Learn more about registering to vote by visiting Link . Thanks for watching this video, see you next month!

Video fades to a soft white background with several different font types showing "NAD" very quickly. Copyright video ends with the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) logo centered. Blue text below the logo appears, "A production of the National Association of the Deaf (copyright) 2016 All Rights Reserved".

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