HUH!?!... Say What

UA     September 19, 2016 in ASL 23 Subscribers Subscribe

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Just a Humor Vlog. Enjoy Watching...

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227 Video Comments

       Reply to UA
    Tip: pressing the SHIFT key on your keyboard does the same thing as clicking this button
  1. ReplyTo:   CoolPJR, DS65, UA
    Title:   #37
  2. ReplyTo:   CoolPJR, wnoakley, DS65, UA
    Title:   #38
  3. ReplyTo:   CoolPJR, maz354, UA
  4. ReplyTo:   maz354
    Title:   #30
  5. ReplyTo:   maz354
    Title:   #31
  6. ReplyTo:   CoolPJR, wnoakley, maz354, DS65
    Title:   Maz.. try me under my vl
  7. ReplyTo:   CoolPJR, wnoakley
    Title:   Book from library freeee
  8. ReplyTo:   CoolPJR, wnoakley, maz354, Eyeshine, DS65
    Title:   Video revealed in court
  9. ReplyTo:   CoolPJR, wnoakley, maz354, DS65
    Title:   #40
  10. ReplyTo:   CoolPJR, maz354, DS65
    Title:   He's in search mode
  11. ReplyTo:   CoolPJR, wnoakley, maz354, DS65
    Title:   Learned something new
  12. ReplyTo:   CoolPJR, wnoakley, maz354, DS65, UA
    Title:   hahaha very funny!
  13. ReplyTo:   maz354
    Title:   #39 u cutey
  14. ReplyTo:   CoolPJR, wnoakley, maz354, DS65, UA
    Title:   keep it up!
  15. ReplyTo:   maz354, UA
    Title:   #40 Glide worse
  16. ReplyTo:   maz354, DS65, UA
    Title:   42
  17. ReplyTo:   wnoakley, maz354, UA
    Title:   43 no idea
  18. ReplyTo:   wnoakley, maz354, UA
    Title:   #46 old jib jab
  19. ReplyTo:   wnoakley, UA
    Title:   #47
  20. ReplyTo:   wnoakley, Eyeshine, DS65, UA
    Title:   #48 very interesting
   Reply to UA
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