Heaven or Hell? (Refuting the Pascal's Wager)

Virtual Deaf Church     August 19, 2016 in ASL 95 Subscribers Subscribe

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Christians have used an argument that is called "the Pascal's Wager" to scare people into choosing God over Atheism.

They say something like this:
"Why take a foolish gamble?
What if you are wrong? Then you will end up in hell!
Who does want to take that risk?
What if atheists are right? Then there is no hell!
Then you would have nothing to lose!
But you will have a lot to lose if you are wrong.
If God is real and you rejected him, then you will go to hell!
So, It is better to believe in Jesus and go to Heaven after death.
Christians have nothing to lose and Atheists have lots to lose!"

This argument is easily refuted by using a more realistic parameters. The world is not divided into 'black and white.' The world is filled with numerous religious beliefs with contradicting interpretations. So, we can reframe this question and change into:

"What if Muslims is right? This would mean Christians could end up in Islamic hell!" You can easily replace any religions with the same argument and come up with a different answer.

You also can replace 'God' with any gods in the world. For example, "What if Thor and Valhalla is real? Christians will go to hell!" It is a ridiculous argument after all.

More importantly, we ought to ask which Christian group we ought believe in? Some Christians have said that other Christians will go to hell for being in a wrong Christian group! Let me rephrase this same argument into: "What if Jehovah is real and the Jehovah's Witness is right? You will go to hell!"

So the Pascal's wager argument is easily refuted through the means of variety of religious options in the world and among the Christian community. Science, history, philosophy, and archaeology have helped us understand the world and life better. Understanding Evolution has helped us understand where we came from and where we will go.

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