SHARE: Happy 155th Birthday to Veditz!
NAD August 12, 2016 in ASL 21 Subscribers Subscribe
[Video description can be found below.]
A little birthday celebration with a cupcake won't hurt! Tomorrow, August 13th, we celebrate George Veditz's 155th birthday!
Video begins the NAD logo appears as a light watermark in the bottom right corner. Camera is facing the NAD logo on the wall inside NAD Headquarters. Video cuts to a hand placing a cupcake in frame; opposite end, a different hand places a pink candle in the cupcake; opposite end, a hand lights a lighter and lights the candle; a person wearing a pink bowtie, halfway in frame, blows out the candle; opposite end, a hand pulls out the candle; opposite end, a person takes off the wrapper; opposite end, a person takes the cupcake out of frame; the cupcake is placed back in frame with a bite taken out of the cupcake.
ON-SCREEN TEXT: Happy 155th Birthday George Veditz!
Video fades to a soft white background with several different font types showing "NAD" very quickly. Copyright video ends with the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) logo centered. Blue text below the logo appears, "A production of the National Association of the Deaf (copyright) 2016 All Rights Reserved".
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Title: Belated happy birthday