Bottlecap Gazebo by Max Pointing, Andrew Grinder and the bottlecap crew

Chewbacca     August 10, 2016 in ASL 43 Subscribers Subscribe

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The Bottlecap Gazebo transforms discarded bottlecaps, reclaimed lumber, and steel into a beautiful Structure for all to enjoy. Each of the 75,000 bottlecaps was individually hammered flat and punched with tiny holes, then strung together with wire. The Gazebo was built by a team of about 30 volunteers who worked for over eight months to create the piece. Hundreds of other individuals and businesses from all over the world, including about 50 bars and restaurants, contributed by donating bottlecaps. This project was supported in part by an Our town Art Works award from the Black Rock Art Foundation, the City of Fernley, the Burning Man Project, the Bentley Foundation and Crimson Rose.

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